
Front Desk WordPress Plugin

June 27, 2017
3 minutes
Front Desk is a plugin for WordPress that adds login, registration, password recovery and reset, and profile editing functionality to the front-end of a WordPress site. Menu integration is also built-in and when enabled, it will add login, password recovery, and register links to non-logged-in users and edit profile and log out links to logged-in users. There is also an option to add a wp-admin link to logged-in admin users and an option to hide…

Easy Content Templates

June 9, 2017
3 minutes
Easy Content Templates (ECT) is a plugin for WordPress that lets you define content templates. After defining content templates, you can use templates and quickly apply them to new posts or pages. You can use templates and apply them to existing posts or pages but the existing content will be overwritten. By default, templates are private to the author/creator only. Templates can be shared towards other users by checking the “Make this Template available…

Hello world

June 9, 2017
1 minutes
Ahh yes. The obligatory “hello world” post. Hey there! This is my blog I’ll be posting whatever catches my interest if it’s worth sharing. For starters, check out this picture of a wild Brahminy kite that I befriended and convinced to land on my hand.